Thursday, November 15, 2007

We're Moving

We've finally sold our apartment and next week we make the move from the city to north of the bridge. It's going to be a huge change from a 2 bedroom unit to a 3 bedroom house with a yard adn garden. It's very exciting but scary at the same time.
Here are some pics of the new house. We are spending the weekend and most of next week getting it ready for the move. I've got a trampoline coming and a gardener to reclaim the garden.
I will take some pics after we've settled, sort of like a before/after.
This is the main bedroom, its the front room of the house.

Evan's bedroom with lots of built in storage and a fireplace (non-working).

Lounge Room, with working fireplace. Can't wait to hang the Christmas stocking. I got some stocking holders from Disneyland, just never had a mantle to use them.

Kitchen and combined dining area. The doors lead out to the garden and back yard.

The garden and backyard. The outdoor setting and umbrella are included with the house!

My Supermodel

Following on from my psuedo Supermodel pics, Evan recently got in on the act. We were at Olympic Park and he was sitting under a tree when I got my camera out. Then he proceeded to do all these poses, I have no idea where he even got those moves. Maybe he's been secretly watching America's Next Top Model.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Temporary Supermodel

I know this is Evan's World, but couldn't resist putting these photos on here. Work has been super hectic and last Friday I got a bit of time out for a photo shoot. Seriously! The company wanted to get some professional publicity pics taken of me for future promos and some IT press releases.

So I was dragged kicking and screaming to sit in front of this photographer for an hour whilst she clicked away and got me to do all these unnatural things with my face.

Here are the ones I don't mind too much.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Fathers Day

It's been awhile since my last blog entry, things have been totally chaotic in our household. I started a new job, my husband was involved in a huge "top secret" work project and we've been struggling to juggle the demands of parenthood and house selling through all this.

Father's day breakfast was a nice way to take some time and chill out. It also marked the end of George's work project, so incredibly he was able to join us for the first time in ages. It was almost looking like he would miss fathers day!

Evan had a great time, we went to Sheraton on the Park, after ignoring all the APEC hype, there was no traffic and lots of parking, so worth the risk of going into the city. My parents joined us and my dad too have a great day.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Happy 3rd Birthday Evan

Yesterday was Evan's 3rd birthday. We have a party planned tomorrow for all his friends. However I still wanted to celebrate on the day, so Buzz & Woody, hopped on a cake and off they went to daycare to suprise Evan.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

African Safari

Evan is convinced we went to Africa, when in fact we were really in downtown Dubbo! Ahh the imagination of toddlers.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Life is so funny

Evan is finding humour in the silliest things at the moment. Just cracks up at things that we as grown ups wouldn't smile about. Its so cute!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Easter Egg Show

Well its really the Easter Show but for some reason Evan decided its the Easter Egg Show!

Poster boy for milk at the Dairy Farmers display, shame he can't drink the stuff!

Had a great day Easter Sunday at the show. Were all pretty tired from our 2 days in Dubbo but suprisingly had a fantastic time.

The John Deere tractors were also a hit

Evan loved the fruit display the most and spent quite a bit of time discussing the different fruit and vege with the stall holders. He loves apples!

Poor Mumma PIG

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Emma's Party

Evan's best friend Emma recently celebrated her 3rd birthday. Here are the highlights from the party, note again that Evan is flanked by the girls, seems to be a running theme lately.

Quick lets hide from Evan

Where have those girls gone?

Birthday girl enjoying her cake, followed by Evan getting stuck into his piece, he had 2!

Centennial Park

Evan had a playdate with a few of his daycare friends at Centennial Park recently. They love seeing each other away from the daycare environment, although there were a few altercations regarding ownership and possession of the bikes. Of course everyone wanted the bike that the other kid had at the time.

My bike is bigger than yours

Big Sister to the rescue

Hey guys, look there's the camera again!

Go Away Camera Lady

Managing to escape the parapazzi (of course Evan is loving the camera)

Made by Lena