Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas Day Highlights

Daddy's 40th Birthday

Christmas Eve, Dec 24 was Evan's daddy (DH) 40th birthday and the day was pretty much full of celebrations.

DH and I went to Catalina at Rose Bay for a nice leisurely lunch. We were there for over 3 hrs. The food was great, the view amazing and to top it off DH favourite celebrity chef, Neil Perry was also there having lunch with his wife. DH was suitably impressed.

After picking up Evan from my mums we headed over to DH family for more birthday celebrations. There was lots of presents and a great Bob the Builder Ice Cream cake. Evan was very excited and "helped" his daddy blow out the candles.

We finally headed home at about 9pm and quickly got things sorted for Santa. Evan (helped by DH) left some carrots and apple for the reindeer, some cookies and a Bacardi Breezer (Watermelon flavour) for Santa.

Then it was sleep time and I am sure we all went to sleep dreaming of the man in RED.

Another Murray Experience

The second Wiggles concert was just as good as the first. Only this time they were filming it for a forthcoming live DVD.... gulp, wish I had known as I would have got a bit more glammed up.

We had front row and lets just say the cameras were constantly in our faces and on our kids. My sister and her 2 kids, plus my mum were part of the group. Of course mum and sis were fully made up, so they will look great.

Murray came down into the audience again and Evan went running up to him and pulled his sleeve. It was so cute, Murray remembered him from the day before and asked his name, then said "hello Evan" and gave him a hi5. Evan was pretty excited.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Lights Camera Action.... Wiggles!

Today was the first of two Wiggles shows that Evan will be going too. He is such a lucky boy to be going twice. We had 2nd row seats today, so of course I was able to get some great pics and video of the show.

Evan was pretty much awestruck for the first 3/4 of the show... lol. Hopefully by tomorrow he will be an old hand and be singing and dancing from the begining. By the time he got into it today, the show was almost over.

We were in a great position near the stairs where the performers (incl. Wiggles) went up and down the stairs to go out into the audience. So Evan got to shake everyones hand.

The highlight was when Murray was collecting Roses for Dorothy and came over to Evan to get his, he said to Evan, "love ya shirt!" and gave him a pat on the head. Evan (and his mummy) was very excited. Anthony also pointed to the shirt from the stage and gave him a thumbs up.

Tomorrow we have front row seats so it should be just as interesting.

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Our Christmas tree has been up for a couple of weeks now, its definitely a work in progress. We seem to have aquired decorations for every pixar film or Disney character. Evan loves the Cars decorations, but gets a bit frustrated that they won't move along, as they don't have spinning wheels.

He loves his Christmas tree and tells everyone to "come and see my pretty tree" ... LOL its so cute.

Wait till he sees what Santa puts under the tree for him....

Friday, December 15, 2006

What A Beautiful Day

Last month U2 finally came back to town after an absence of more than 9 years. I went to all 3 Sydney concerts and the show was just amazing. Here are some pics of the show. My friend Sandra and I were against the barrier (stage) for the 3rd show. It was amazing.

One of the security guards took this shot, look at the crowd behind us!! It was great to be so close.

Happy 60th Birthday Mum

My mum recently celebrated her 60th birthday. We all went up to visit her at their holiday place at the Entrance, then headed for lunch at the Mingara Club. Evan had a great time as usual with Yaya (my mum) and his cousins. He was so exhausted that he fell asleep before we even got out of the car park.

Mum looks pretty good for 60. What do you think?

Jumping Castle Fun

Last week was Evan's daycare Christmas party. It was held in the adjacent park and was lots of fun. They had 2 jumping castles which were a hit with all the kids. Evan didn't want to go near them for the first hour, but then realised that all his friends were on there having a great time. After a bit of prodding, he finally gave it a try... and wouldn't get off...LOL

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Gingerbread Making

I can't believe its been almost 2 months since I last updated. I just never seem to have enough time to get online these days. Working fulltime has its advantages and disadvantages, however I really value the time I spend with Evan and don't want to waste it being online.

Last weekend we went over to my sister's house to bake gingerbread for Christmas. Evan had a great time with his cousins. Helping to roll out the dough with his little rolling pin and cutting out all the Christmas shapes. Rollie helped with the rolling too.

We even managed to make and decorate a gingerbread house. Here is the end result, as you can see my neice is pretty proud of it.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Part 4 - The Rides

The rides and attractions were the best part of the whole trip. Disney can do rides like no one else. The attention to detail and imagination is unsurpassed.

We managed to ride the following over the 8 days we were there:

Its a Small World - a ride on a canal type boat past the different cultures from around the world. The most annoying part is the song, its plays over and over and over. The ride is one of the longest at DL, about 8 minutes so that song really gets into your brain.
Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh - you get ride in a honeypot through the world of pooh and then into Pooh's imagination. Its gets quite dark and scary, at least for toddlers but Evan still loved it. He insisted on riding again and again. After the 34th ride, I stopped counting. This is what a the honeypot carriage looks like

Jungle Cruise - Another Evan favourite. You got to ride around in these boats through an African jungle. The animals were quite lifelike and the noise were quite scary. The tour guides aer super corny, but that just added to the whole experience.

Buzz Lightyear Astroblasters: My favourite ride and Evan's next favourite after Pooh. This is awesome, you ride around in a spaceship trying to shot the targets with your laser gun. The targets are worth different amounts depending on position and even more if they are lit up. I did ok with a score of 150,000 plus after my 10th ride. You sort of get the hang of it eventually. My competitive nature came out big time. Another ride Evan was scared of but loved, kept asking to ride again and again.

We also rode: Teacups, Dumbo, Storybook Boats, Alice in Wonderland, Rockets, Haunted Mansion, Grizzly River Run, Heimlichs Chew Chew Train and more. Wish we had more time, but it sort of got eaten up riding Pooh and Small World so many times.

Some of the other attractions that we loved were; Turtle Talk with Crush at DCA, A Bugs Life and Fantasmic.

Things take alot longer with a toddler so hopefully when we go next time and he is a bit older, we will be able to get more done. I still want to ride Peter Pan!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Part 3 - The Parades

WOW is all I can say. I had seen several Disneyland parades in previous years, but this time was by far the best and most elaborate. The parade is called the Parade of Dreams and was designed specifically for the 50th Birthday celebrations, which actually ended while we were there on 30 September. I have head that it will continue to run until mid November. Meanwhile everything else related to the 50th disappeared during our last couple of days there, to be replaced by the Halloween decorations... but more on that later.

We got to see the parade several times, both at night and during the day on the weekend. The day/night versions are definitely a different experience, I think I prefer the nightime for more atmosphere with all the lights.

Here are some pics of some of the floats, these things were massive and the photos just don't do it any justice. I have some great video footage of the full parade which goes for about 15min. So will have to had a video night.

The Lion King float was my favourite, it was so massive, this picture was taken with no zoom on my little digital camera. It had an acrobat doing rope work, water features and a huge animatronic Simba at the top. It was definitely Evan's favourite too. The "Circle of Life" theme song played as it went by and its now one of Evan's favourite songs. I have a DVD of Disney songs and this is the one he wants again and again. He is even signing along.

The parade was opened by Tinkerbell and closed by Minnie & Mickey dressed in their finery. Along the route the minor characters walked, danced and interacted with the crowd. This is my favourite picutre of Grumpy.

Evan & Pluto

Part 2 - Meeting the Characters in the Park

Meeting the Disneyland characters in the park itself is hard work. They sort of lurk in side streets and only come out for about 10min at a time. I think this is because they can overheat in the costumes and they get mobbed. So whenever you are walking around Disneyland you have to keep a look out.

There are also a few designated places where characters are guaranteed to be every hour, however the lines are huge and you have to be prepared for a massive wait. We got lucky a few times where we stumbled across someone without a huge line and were able to get some good pics.

Evan particularly enjoyed meeting Mickey Mouse and Buzz Lightyear. He had a little laser battle thing happening with Buzz, it was very cute.

We also met a few of the pixar characters at Disney's California Adventure, which is the other theme park next door to Disneyland. Meet Lightening McQueen and Mater from Cars was very exciting for Evan, although he was a little freaked out by all the noise. Those cars are very loud.

Our last night in the park we hit paydirt! We had just walked onto Main Street, when I spotted Mickey and Minnie coming out of a building. Woo hoo, I have never run so fast as did everyone else. I manged to get 3rd in line and we got some great shots of all of us with both Minnie & Mickey, plus a great shot of Evan with them. By this stage he was very comfortable around the characters, so picture taking was alot easier.

Here are some of my favourite pics...

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