Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Part 4 - The Rides

The rides and attractions were the best part of the whole trip. Disney can do rides like no one else. The attention to detail and imagination is unsurpassed.

We managed to ride the following over the 8 days we were there:

Its a Small World - a ride on a canal type boat past the different cultures from around the world. The most annoying part is the song, its plays over and over and over. The ride is one of the longest at DL, about 8 minutes so that song really gets into your brain.
Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh - you get ride in a honeypot through the world of pooh and then into Pooh's imagination. Its gets quite dark and scary, at least for toddlers but Evan still loved it. He insisted on riding again and again. After the 34th ride, I stopped counting. This is what a the honeypot carriage looks like

Jungle Cruise - Another Evan favourite. You got to ride around in these boats through an African jungle. The animals were quite lifelike and the noise were quite scary. The tour guides aer super corny, but that just added to the whole experience.

Buzz Lightyear Astroblasters: My favourite ride and Evan's next favourite after Pooh. This is awesome, you ride around in a spaceship trying to shot the targets with your laser gun. The targets are worth different amounts depending on position and even more if they are lit up. I did ok with a score of 150,000 plus after my 10th ride. You sort of get the hang of it eventually. My competitive nature came out big time. Another ride Evan was scared of but loved, kept asking to ride again and again.

We also rode: Teacups, Dumbo, Storybook Boats, Alice in Wonderland, Rockets, Haunted Mansion, Grizzly River Run, Heimlichs Chew Chew Train and more. Wish we had more time, but it sort of got eaten up riding Pooh and Small World so many times.

Some of the other attractions that we loved were; Turtle Talk with Crush at DCA, A Bugs Life and Fantasmic.

Things take alot longer with a toddler so hopefully when we go next time and he is a bit older, we will be able to get more done. I still want to ride Peter Pan!


goobs said...

Awww great photos - i want to go too.

Jamie said...

Looks awesome, we will definitely be doing it at some point.


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