Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Journey to Disneyland

Well we are in Anaheim at last. We left Sydney at 130pm on Saturday and got here at 1030am Saturday, love the time difference. The flight was ok, Evan slept for about 4 hrs but only with me holding him. Lets just say I ache all over from holding a 16kg little boy for so many hours. Still at least he got some sleep. Neither George or I have had any yet and its 9pm here on Saturday night. Evan crashed and burned at about 6pm tonight whilst we were in Target getting some nappies and other supplies. We got him back to the hotel and into bed without waking him, so he must have been shattered.

Update: Started this post last night and couldn't finish it, so went to bed. Its now Sunday morning 7am and I am wide awake after a good nights sleep. George has gone in search of a spa/sauna at the hotel's fitness centre to rest his weary muscles. Evan of course is still asleep. He woke briefly last night at 11pm to tell me that its daytime and time to get up. I convinced him otherwise and he has been asleep since..LOL

Today we have breakfast at 1030 at Goofy's Kitchen at the Disneyland Hotel. Its a character brunch where Evan will get a chance to get up close and personal with all the Disney gang and enjoy brunch at the same time. Lucky I booked for that time as I think Mr Sleepyhead will be down for awhile longer. Hoping he has a huge day sleep as tonight we have premiumn seats for Fantastmic at Disneyland. Its not till 9pm. Its like a shortened version of Fanstasia done with holograms and other special effects on the Rivers of America within Disneyland. Lets hope its not too scary for Evan.

Yesterday we briefly ventured to DownTown Disney and Evan got his first glimpse of all the Disney Merchanise on offer. Purchases included 2 Mickey tshirts, 1 Captain Hook Mickey, 1 Mickey lollypop, some Mickey sunglasses and a Pirates of the Caribean Donald Duck for the bath. I think that was pretty good given that the World of Disney Store is the largest in the world. Its massive and has so much to chose from, Evan was a bit overwhelmed.

We then had some lunch at a funky New Orleans type place. Evan had the kids meal which was mini corn dogs with smilie fries. I haven't seen him eat that much for a long time. He loved the min corn dogs, they were basically hot dogs cut into bit sized pieces covered in cornmeal and fried. Got to love then healthy American food.

Here are some pics of him wearing his sunnies, eating the lollypop and trying a corn dog. Promise to take more pics today. I was operating in sleep deprivation mode yesterday. Grrrr it isn't loading the pics. Will try again later.


Mell said...

Dont see any pics :( but sounds like you are having an awesome time so far!

Feliss said...

Oh Ange, I'm so glad you've got your laptop with you... I'm already loving the updates and can't wait to see some pics! Great to hear the plane trip wasn't too horrendous and that Evan is sleeping well!

Jamie said...

Waiting eagerly for the photos... Good to hear you're all having a great time.

Kris said...

Hi Ang. great to read what your up to. Sounds like lots of fun..Look forward to the pics..

Neddy said...

Can't wait to see some photos. Glad to hear you made it safely and are enjoying yourselves.

goobs said...

Awww, i am feeling like i am there with you....hopefully your pics will work for you soon. Take care and HAVE FUN !!!


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