Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Toilet Training In 2 Days... It can be done!

Its taken literally 48hrs to toilet train Evan for wees and poos... I am still not over the shock of it.

I decided that bribery was the best way forward as he had taken absolutely no interest whatsoever in using the toilet. I couldn't even get him to wear undies on top of his nappy.

So armed with a container of chocolate easter eggs.. you know the little solid ones and about 10 CARS figurines.. from the movie, the diecast ones. I sat him down and explained that if he would put on underpants he could have a choccie egg. If he did a wee, he could have another choccie egg and if he did a poo he could have a "CAR".

You couldn't get him into undies or onto the toilet fast enough. Here I was trying sticker charts to no avail, should have known that chocolate or better yet toy cars were the way to go.

Started on Monday morning and advised daycare that he was now in undies, he had several accidents that day and told them that he was "too busy" to go to the toilet. Lucky I sent several changes of clothes that day.

That night at home he happily stayed in undies and used the toilet, even did a poo for one of those "CARS".

Tuesday he went to daycare and again had an accident, this time he was pretty upset as he didn't like being wet. It was like the light suddenly went on and he "got it". Since then he has been taking himself to the toilet at daycare and home. Haven't had a single accident since.

Of course we have almost run out of "cars" and the choccie eggs are almost gone too. We won't be replenishing as he is pretty much just going and unless he remembers I am no longer giving the rewards.

I still can't get over how much my little boy has grown up lately. Here I was worried only 2 weeks ago that he'd be in nappies forever.

I am still putting a nappy on him at sleeptime, but its pretty much always dry, he has even gotten up to wee a couple of times as he doesn't want to wet his nappy. I am still not brave enough to put him in just undies at night time, will give it a few more weeks. Also I need to get a matress protector first.

I am so proud of my little boy.

Look At My Impressive Wing Span

Evan thinks he is Buzz Lightyear. He is constantly running around asking me to look at his "impressive wingspan", yelling "to infinity and beyond" and pushing the imaginary buttons on his chest.

This past weekend it really got out of control. He was running around zapping things with the pretend laser gun in his wrist..lol and when I tried to hold his hand he yelled at me "mummy don't touch my laser, you'll break it"... I am finding it extremely hard to keep a straight face.

I remembered that I'd bought him a Buzz dressup outfit from Disneyland so decided to get it out... well you should have seen the look on his face.. priceless. He was just in shock and couldn't get into the outfit fast enough.

Of course this just made the obsession with Buzz worse and he literally wore the outfit all day, wouldn't even take it off for dinner. I hope its washable.

I am so loving this age. Its so entertaining!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Little Dynamos

Last weekend we discovered that a new play centre has opened just 2 minutes drive from our place. Its walking distance even for me..lol

Evan had a blast, its got 3 huges slides, 2 jumping castles, blasters with nerf balls and a fantastic cafe for us. A great baby area and the ball pits.

The best part is that the cafe is right in the middle of it all, so the kids can see you and you can see them, without having to chase them around the place. Entry isn't too steep, its $10 for Evan and only $2 for each adult.

We live in a pretty small 2 bedroom unit, so things can get a bit claustrophic when its wet and we can't go out to the park. Now we have somewhere to go, where we can relax and Evan can burn off all that toddler energy.

Evan calls it "his place" and all weekend he kept asking to go back to "my place".. too cute. In fact we did end up going everyday of the 3 day break. Just for a couple of hours each time in the afternoon.

I think I've finally found a venue for Evan's 3rd birthday party... yeah!

Morning Tea with a friend

Evan's little friend Hannah came over last weekend for morning tea. We had fun trying a new scone recipe I got from Essential Baby. You make them with lemonade! They were seriously yummy and the kids had a blast helping and then watching them bake.
It was also chance to use the new dining table that we got the weekend before. So far its only been DH, Evan and I, so it was fun to actually entertain other people and actually have somewhere to sit and eat. I can't believe we've survived without a table for 2 years!

The Chicken or the Egg?

Evan has discovered "googey eggs". He will happily eat soft boiled eggs with toast soldiers for breakfast, lunch, dinner and anything in between. Its out of control. Not to mention the smell.... use your imagination..LOL I am trying to limit it to a few times a week.

At least its something healthy and the best part is its just so quick, I have this egg maker thing, that you pop in the eggs and put in the water and then voila, 4 perfectly done soft boiled eggs. It even cheeps at you when its done.


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