Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Our Disney Dream Vacation

Here are some pictures from our recent holiday to Disneyland and Walt Disney World. We had a fantastic time and can't wait to go back one day. Even after 3 weeks we still didn't get to do everything we had planned.

Evan was the perfect traveller, he slept so well on the plane and the time zone changes didn't bother him too much. In fact I don't think we had a meltdown once this whole trip. Maybe he was too scared we'd go home if he acted up.

He was really into the thrill rides this time and his favourite was the Twighlight Zone Tower of Terror, check out You Tube to get an idea. Basically it's a supposed to be an old Hollywood Hotel and you are trapped in a faulty elevator which falls 14floors. He called it the ride that "made my tummy funny".

Evan was also chosen twice to take part in the Jedi Training Academy. This is where they chose about 12 kids from the audience to train with a Jedi Master and then battle Darth Vader or Darth Maul. Evan took it all very seriously and was ecsatic to defeat Darth. I couldn't believe he was chosen, must be that cute face.

We had so many moments and adventures, that it's too hard to get it all down on paper. Here are some of the highlights, these pics were all taken by Disney photographers and are part of a Photo CD that I got. We also have more pics we took which I will post later.


Feliss said...

WOW! What an awesome holiday and great pics!!

Kris said...

Looks like you had a great time. Oh but next time. can i please fit in your suitcase.


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