Monday, July 24, 2006

The Last Few Months

Hi, its been awhile since I updated this blog. I am going to try really hard to at least update once a week if not more. I'm not keep any other sort of record book for Evan, so am hoping that this could be it.

Time is moving so fast. Evan turned 2 on 25 May. He is now almost 16kg and 93cm tall. He is in size 8 shoes and wearing size 2 bottoms and 3 tops. He is growing so fast that his wardrobe just can't keep up.

We had a pretty quiet birthday for him as we didn't do the big party this year. We've booked a trip to Disneyland in September, so he can have a party with Mickey & Minnie instead. He had lots of cake as there were cakes at daycare, cake with the family and cake at the inlaws. Of course he loved it, he sang happy birthday to himself and was able to blow out the candles. We had to relight them several times as he wanted to blow them out again and again. Such a different experience to last year.

In June we went to see The Wiggles in concert a couple of times. They did a series of small shows at the local clubs and we were lucky enough to get tickets to Hornsby RSL and Mingara Club. Evan went crazy when he realised how close he could get to them. He even managed to shake hands with them all and got a big bear hug from Jeff.

He got down and boogied to all his favourite songs. He even sang along and seemed to know all the words. My little boy is definitely a Wiggles Groupie.

We got him a Jeff & Murray dress up costume for his birthday. Evan just loves dressing up as The Wiggles. He especially likes the belt and wants to wear it all the time. The dress up outfits came with a cheap vinyl one that had a Wiggles sticker and velcro on it. It was already falling apart after just 1 wear. I was able to get a "real" belt from the Wiggles Shop online. It even has a cool metal logo for the buckle, just like the real thing.

Here is a pic of Evan at the Hornsby RSL show. As you can see Evan was able to get very close to the stage.

On the health front, Evan had an endoscopy in late April. Wasn't something I really wanted to get done as its an intrusive procedure and requires general anesthetic. We had to have it done as he is still having problems with dairy and soy proteins. He is on a special formula which is subsidised by the government, but only until he turned 2. To keep getting the subsidy we needed to prove he still has the allergy. The good (and bad) news is that he tested positive to the allergy, so we are able to still keep getting the formula. Also as the allergy has been confiremd we were also able to start a new medication called Singulair. The new med has been fantastic and we have been able to let him have small amounts of yogurt without any problems. He is still on 40mg a day of losec and will probably be on this for sometime.

Back with more later.....

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