Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Toilet Training In 2 Days... It can be done!

Its taken literally 48hrs to toilet train Evan for wees and poos... I am still not over the shock of it.

I decided that bribery was the best way forward as he had taken absolutely no interest whatsoever in using the toilet. I couldn't even get him to wear undies on top of his nappy.

So armed with a container of chocolate easter eggs.. you know the little solid ones and about 10 CARS figurines.. from the movie, the diecast ones. I sat him down and explained that if he would put on underpants he could have a choccie egg. If he did a wee, he could have another choccie egg and if he did a poo he could have a "CAR".

You couldn't get him into undies or onto the toilet fast enough. Here I was trying sticker charts to no avail, should have known that chocolate or better yet toy cars were the way to go.

Started on Monday morning and advised daycare that he was now in undies, he had several accidents that day and told them that he was "too busy" to go to the toilet. Lucky I sent several changes of clothes that day.

That night at home he happily stayed in undies and used the toilet, even did a poo for one of those "CARS".

Tuesday he went to daycare and again had an accident, this time he was pretty upset as he didn't like being wet. It was like the light suddenly went on and he "got it". Since then he has been taking himself to the toilet at daycare and home. Haven't had a single accident since.

Of course we have almost run out of "cars" and the choccie eggs are almost gone too. We won't be replenishing as he is pretty much just going and unless he remembers I am no longer giving the rewards.

I still can't get over how much my little boy has grown up lately. Here I was worried only 2 weeks ago that he'd be in nappies forever.

I am still putting a nappy on him at sleeptime, but its pretty much always dry, he has even gotten up to wee a couple of times as he doesn't want to wet his nappy. I am still not brave enough to put him in just undies at night time, will give it a few more weeks. Also I need to get a matress protector first.

I am so proud of my little boy.


Feliss said...

Yay Evan!! Isn't it amazing what we put OURSELVES through with these kids! I was dreading it but it all worked out relatively well in the end.

Mell said...

Way to go Evan. Ethan was that easy too.. took us 2 days.
I'm going to try the bribery route with Miss E. Wish us luck.

Unknown said...

Way to go Evan! I hope Veronica will be that easy when I get around to TTing her


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