Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Next Ian Thorpe?

About 3 weeks ago Evan decided that it was time to learn to swim. Now we had done lessons in the past, but only ever lasted 3 weeks before he lost interest or we did. So all up he has had about 6 lessons between the ages of 2 and 3 years and really made no progress at all. I think it's one of those things you have to stick at.

Since then we have had a few holidays where there have been some great pools and Evan has used a floatation ring to swim around as he wouldn't even try floaties or a bubble.

The on the last couple of days of our Christmas holiday he decided that he wanted to "swim" like a big boy as he was now a "SENIOR" at daycare and being 4.5 yo he felt it was time. So he pretty much just went for it.

He can now "swim" across the pool, jump in the deep end and swim back, dive down to the bottom of the pool and retreive things (even in the deep end), dog paddle, his version of freestyle and also underwater swimming. George and I are just amazed and really have no idea where this has come from.

We have been taking him swimming ever other day to the local pool and he just continues to improve.

Here is a video I took on the weekend. Sorry for the quality, it was taken on my Blackberry, will get some better video soon.


Feliss said...

Ange... he is doing so well! I started back with Jorja last week and thought I'd have a fight on my hands! Keep him going, he's doing great!!

Kris said...

wow Ang. he is swimming better than Jack who had a years worth of lessons. I learnt to swim without lessons and think its better for some kids so we have cancelled them and just spend time at the pool.
Well done Evan. What a champ!!


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