Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Senior Boy

After a 2 week break it was back to the grind this week. I started back at work yesterday and Evan had his first day at daycare today. He has now moved up to the Senior Preschool. He was very excited to be a "senior" this year and proud to be one of the "big" boys. I wish I had taken a picture of him this morning. He had his new backpack, a trendy new haircut and his new Elmo baseball cap.

George is still on holidays, so he has picked Evan up early today and they are headed for the pool as it's so incredibly hot in Sydney today. Someone said it was over 40degrees out west. Aghhhh. So glad to be in an airconditioned office.

One of my new years resolutions is to blog weekly, so this is week 1. Let's see how I go.



Feliss said...

I look forward to your weekly updates Ange!

Kris said...

Me too!!!!


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