Monday, July 24, 2006

Sydney Aquarium Visit

It was pretty miserable and rainy in Sydney on Saturday. We'd promised MIL that we'd take her out for the day, so she could spend sometime with Evan. It was also her birthday earlier in the week so we wanted to do something special. Sydney Aquarium seemed like the perfect indoor spot and it was.

We started by having breakfast at Nick's Cafe at Cockle Bay. Evan loves bacon and sausages, so just got a big breakfast and we shared. There were lots of birds about and Evan was determined to feed them his breakfast. He kept yelling "birdy food", taking bits off my plate and running off to feed the birds.

Then we head off to the Aquarium. There was a huge line and Evan was not very pleased that we had to wait. He wanted to see the "Sharkey". There was a huge shark's mouth that you walk throught to enter the aquarium. I think the wait in line gave him time to realise that it was scary, as when we did eventually walk through he got really spooked and wanted to go home.

It didn't help that it was pretty dark in there for the first few exhibits and Evan kept trying to make a bolt back to the enterance to go home. Eventually we got to the seal pool, which had plenty of natural light. He finally setteld down and had a great time watching the seals from the underwater vantage point. He wanted to sit on DH shoulders so he could get closer to the seals.

The rest of the visit went smoothly, except for the race through the shark exhibit, when we realised he was getting scared by those big jawed beasts. He loved the Great Barrier Reef exhibits the best, and kept shouting "Dory, Nemo... where are you?" Needless to say he got very excited when he found them.

He even managed to make friends with some older kids and they all posed for this photo in front of the Barrier Reef display. Don't the fish in the background look cool? The kids had a great time playing in front of the display, pointing out all the fish and talking about them to each other. He is definitely becoming more socially aware of other children now.

After literally dragging him away, we went and had some lunch in the cafe and a bit of a play at the small soft play place nearby. Is was a great day and Nanny loved the one on one time she got to spend with Evan.

1 comment:

Feliss said...

I had to have a giggle at Evan looking for Nemo and Dory... how cute! He obviously doesn't have the same affection for poor old Bruce though *L*


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