Saturday, August 12, 2006

Fun At The Doctor

Yesterday we went to see Evan's gastro specialist for a check up and review. The last 2 times we've been, Evan has been a nightmare, crying and trying to bolt out the door. I think its because the Dr is located at the hospital and thats also where Evan has had 2 procedures. So its an association thing.

DH couldn't come with me this time, so I was just dreading the visit, how was I going to control Evan and manage to talk to the Dr at the same time. I decided I needed to do a bit more preparation this time, so I started talking to him about the Dr over the past week, played the Wiggles episode where the Dr visits Anthony. Also as luck would have it there was a Balamory episode where they visit the hospital. He loves this one, so I made sure we watched it again and again...... the things we do as parents!

Also my mum got Evan a Drs kit, it a little red bag with all the bits and pieces. He loved it and had lots of fun doing the Balamory Dr thing on his teddies. Things were looking good.

I am pleased to say it was a huge success. He was so well behaved at the Dr, he even thanked him when we left and gave him a cuddle! As we were leaving the hospital Evan said to me "had fun at the doctors". LOL

As for the actual prognosis, things are looking good. We are going to wean down to half dose of losec in about a week, but will be supplementing it with zantac for awhile. He has advised that we continue to use the neocate as him main source of calcium for now. From a growth perspective the Dr was amazed at how much Evan has grown. He is now almost 94cm and 16kg. The good news is that whilst he has grown in height, his weight has remained stable for the past 6 months, which is the outcome we want right now.


Kris said...

Great news Ang. Glad you got good results and well done on preparing Evan for the doctor..

Mell said...

Thats great about the cr visit going well and being able to wean on the meds!

Jamie said...

What a relief, Ang! Great idea about preparing him for the visit.

Feliss said...

You were definately well prepared for that visit... good on you!
Great to hear that you're able to start weaning off the meds too!


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