Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Weekend Angel turns into Monday Night Terror

Had a wonderful weekend, Evan was just delightful the whole time. He was really in good form, talking up a storm, happy, smiley and just amazing really.

We took advantage of the glorious weather and spent most of the weekend outdoors at the park or just pottering around.

There is a great kiddies playground a block from our place and its become the meeting place for all the local toddlers. The kids love it and its great for mum & dad too as they get to meet some of the local parents. We really must make more of an effort to go there more often. Evan spent time doing laps of the park and just wore himself out.

Unfortunately things went a bit downhill last night. He was really unsettled when we picked him up from childcare and the smallest thing would set him off. He had at least 3 major tantrums which involved throwing himself down on the floor and just wailing. They were over trivial things like taking his clothes off for the bath.

He didn't want any dinner and basically just wanted a bottle and to go to bed at 7pm. He was really clingy and fell asleep cuddled up beside me, holding onto me for tight. Its really strange as he has never been like this before, not sure whats up.

This morning he was still not quite himself and he has no appetite, I suspect its his reflux playing up. So I will be doubling up his meds for a bit to see if it improves things.

Hoping that things are better tonight.....stay tuned.

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