Friday, August 04, 2006

Mr Picky Eater

Evan's been having a few little issue with his belly lately. Not sure whats up, but he often complains of a "sore tummy" or "full tummy". He's eating less than he normally does, so overeating doesn't seem to the be cause.

Anyway we are off to the gastro this Friday and will discuss it more with him and see what he thinks.

Meanwhile Evan is living on a pretty limited diet these days, he is just so fussy, there are a handful of things that he eats and I just rotate them or give him the same thing each day. I am sure this is normal toddler behaviour but its driving me insane.

A typical day's food includes: 1/2 125g yogurt for breaky. I give him the stuff with fruit in it as he doesn't mind bits, he seems to really enjoy the d'lite blueberry. Lunch is normally at daycare, he will have some sort of meat, usually a good portion, but refuses all veges and will only have about a tablespoon of rice or pasta. Afternoon tea he will have fruit, custard or sometimes a sandwich. Dinner is usually chicken or beeef with strawberries, potato (chips, wedges or some sort of chunks) and then more fruit like watermelon, apple or banana. He also has 2 bottles of his special formula during the day, they are 180ml each. It seems like alot when I write it down, but in reality he just picks at the food, so its never a good size portion.

Of course he will eat junk food all day if I let him. So we keep the occasional treats just for the weekend or special occasions, like parties.

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