Monday, August 28, 2006

Birthday Party & More Ice Cream

It was my sisters birthday yesterday, so we headed over there last night for some Chinese food and of course ice cream cake. Evan had a blast with his cousins and even scored a heap of presents from one of my cousins. She'd never got around to giving him his 2nd birthday pressies, so of course Evan thought yesterday's party was his!

The highlight was the ice cream cake. Evan thought it was yummy. I had to stop him going back for seconds. As 2 lots of ice cream in one day is probably all his tummy could handle. Lucky for us the new allergy meds are working a treat.


Kris said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! looks yummy

Mell said...

yummo!! LOl at Evan thinking it was his birthday again!


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