Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Guitar Place

The guitar place is actually the Hard Rock Cafe here in Sydney. Evan has been calling it "the guitar place" since we first took him a couple of months ago. Its his favourite restaurant, not that he has been to that many!

After a great afternoon at the park, we decided it was too hard to cook dinner at home, so agreed it was the perfect time to go to the guitar place again. Afterall its great practice for Evan in dining out as we leave for our trip to LA in 6 weeks, so we want him to get used to restuarant dining and at least manage to stay seated for the duration of the meal.

Evan did great, I think its the atmosphere. He had a ball watching all the music videos and clapped at the end of each song. He checked out all the memorabilia, especially the guitars. His little friend Mickey Mouse even came along and got a feed.

The lil kids rocker meal was great and he tucked in with gusto. Chicken tenders with chips and he ate them all... the chicken that is... only managed a couple of chips. DH got to enjoy his burger this time as Evan wasn't interested, very different compared to last time where all he wanted was DH burger. Sometimes I can't figure him out...lucky I didn't order him the kids burger. I had a great cobb salad, same thing I always have when I am there, but its a favourite.

We finished off the meal with a chocolate brownie with 2 scoops of vanilla icecream. Evan thought he was in heaven and helped DH polish it off.

Overall a great night out. Can't wait to do it again.


Kris said...

Did you save me some chocolate brownie? Looks like a fun place for lunch..seems Mickey loved it too. How cute..

Jamie said...

Looks great, we'll have to try it sometime, I think Jet will love it too.

Mell said...

I love that pic of him feeding Mickey!


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