Tuesday, August 15, 2006

More Fun At The Doctor

Evan had his 12 month followup with the ENT specialist today and unfortunately its not good news. It looks like his adenoids have grown back, which we were warned could happen and his tonsils are huge, almost to the point of touching.

The Dr suspects that Evan is suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, which explains so much. The constant night waking, the snoring, the constant congestion like he has a cold, but no runny nose. Even the night terrors could be related.

Its a relief to know that there is some physical reason that we are suddenly having all these sleep issue and its not a behavioural problem.

The next month will not be fun, while we do some tests to determine how bad the problem actually is and then determine the treatment required. First step is the sleep study which is booked for 8 September. Not looking forward to that, at least I get to stay with him at the hospital overnight. Then we have 2 more followups with various Drs to discuss treatment options.

We are due to go overseas on 23 Sept and I have the ENT appointment on 22 Sept to decide on the treatment option we will take. At least we will know before we go. Then will probably do whatever is required as soon as we get back, lucky we are only away a week.

At this stage its looking likely that we will be having both adenoids and tonsils removed. Poor little Evan, when does all this end.

Anyway to cheer myself up, thought I'd share one of my favourite pics of him.


Feliss said...

Oh Angela, I'm so sorry that's the report you got back... the poor little guy! At least you know the reasoning behind his sleepless nights now.. hopefully whatever treatment you take will fix all this for good!!!

Kris said...

Im sorry the news isnt good. Hopefully the treatment will not be to hard on him and he will be back to good health soon. Poor little guy..

Jamie said...

Sorry to hear your news... at least there is a reason behind it all and you can do something about it... poor little thing... hospital stays are tough but at least you know he will get better...


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