Saturday, August 19, 2006

The Wheels On The Bus.......

Another beautiful sunny day in Sydney, so perfect weather for an adventure.

Today Evan went on a bus for the first time. He sees the buses all the time and when we are driving to work/daycare and lately he has been asking to go on one. So he finally got his wish. We caught the bus from home into the city, about 15 min ride and of course he loved every minute of it.

We got off near Hyde Park and walked to the Australian Museum in College St. Evan had a wonderful time exploring in the museum. He loved the skeletons of the dinasours the best. They also have a place called Kids Island which is a play area for under 5s. It has so many little nooks to explore and lots of props for pretend play.

Lunch at Maccas followed and then we caught the bus home. Evan was so exhausted he fell asleep on the walk home from the bus stop, which only takes 5 min.

Definitely something we will be doing again, DH joined us up for annual membership to the Museum as they have lots of great things coming up, including a big dinasour exhibition.


Kris said...

Sounds like a great day Ang..Might have to go check it out with my kids too. Jack and Sophie would love to see the dinosaurs..Dont know about the bus though. Might leave that till they are older. Could you imagine!! Jack would be very envious of Evan on the bus though..

Feliss said...

What a great day Ang!! Jorja had her first ride on a bus in Sydney too... and looooved it!


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